Want to Host a FREE Jewellery Party?

A.Co Designs is  now doing home parties.  We come to your house, set up (and tear down).  You invite your friends over for an afternoon or evening of fun, including checking out some of the coolest jewellery out there.  The best part:  it's totally free, and as the Hostess, you get a FREE GIFT!  Custom orders welcome.  Price points between $5 - $30.

For more information, please email me at acodesigns@live.ca


Anna said...

Have you thought about selling on Esty? Or do you already? Would love to be able to check out your stuff even though I can't host a party. But then again, I don't know where you're located.:)

Amanda @ Life with A.Co said...

I've considered Etsy - so thanks Anna, maybe I'll give it some more serious thought.